Let us venture briefly into the realm of Quantum Physics and the notion of the infinite consciousness.
Your brain has a filter.
Every second, your brain filters out what it deems to be irrelevant. This is why you were not aware of the shoes on your feet until I mentioned them. or the pressure of the glasses on your nose. You were not aware of the the fact you were breathing or that your heart was beating.
Now add this to the fact that everybody has deep ingrained belief systems.
An example of your belief system can be created by finishing the following sentence
"Life is............."
Your belief systems filter what you see around you. If you believe that all Muslims are terrorists (they aren't by the way), that will cloud your judgement the next time you meet a Muslim. If you had a tyrannical Catholic upbringing that you rebelled against, that might cloud your opinion of "The Church" in general.
Your filter will also affect what you hear see and feel.
After all you do not see with your eyes, you see wit your brain. Electrical signals are sent via the optic nerve to the brain to be deciphered.
Many people see what they want to see.
Many people hear what they want to hear.
Many people feel what they want to feel.
Have you ever displayed anger or resentment to someone because you misunderstood what they said? You chose that reaction based on your false perception.
This is where your reality tunnel comes in.
If you go through life expecting the worst, your mind will filter the incoming data to match your belief system.
So finish the following saying:
"People are................"
"Money is...................."
"Life is.........................."
"The CQC is..................."
Now ask yourself how those belief systems have guided your life so far.
have they empowered you, or held you back?
I merely ask the question
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