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Thursday, 28 February 2008

BDA press release

*Half a million in England lose access to NHS dentistry*

Statistics published today by The Information Centre offer further evidence that the Government's 2006 reforms are failing to achieve their aim of improving access to NHS dentistry.

The figures show that more than half a million people across England have lost access to NHS dentistry since the implementation of reforms in April 2006.The statistics show that 27,602,000 patients were seen by an NHS dentist in England in the 24 months up to 30 September 2007, compared to 28,145,000 in the 24 months up to 31 March 2006, a reduction of 543,000 patients.

This figure is in addition to the approximately two million people that the Department of Health acknowledges wanted access but were unable to get it before March 2006.Susie Sanderson, Chair of the BDA's Executive Board, said:"Today's statistics offer fresh evidence that the Government's reforms to NHS dentistry have failed to achieve the stated aim of improving access to care for patients. The reforms have also failed to allow dentists to deliver the kind of modern, preventive care they believe their patients deserve."The loss of access to NHS dental care for half a million patients is a milestone in the failure of these reforms. It's time for the Government to start listening to patients and dentists and work with the profession to find constructive solutions to address the problems with these reforms."

Unfortunately the government won't listen because we don'y shout loud enough!!

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