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Monday 29 November 2010

A certain well known furniture shop

There is a well known furniture shop that came to this land several years ago.  We recently purchased some leather chairs for the waiting room of our practice.  I went in, showed the nice gentleman which chairs I wanted, and placed my order.

The chairs were delivered without legs.

Apparently you have to buy them separately

Chairs, without legs.

They're not really chairs then are they.

We had to pay extra for the legs.  Can you believe that.  Can you comprehend the idiocy of it.  I don't know what was worse, the fact that the chairs came without legs, or the fact that nobody told me.

The mind boggles

Tuesday 23 November 2010


Hello again
According to my records, this is newsletter 150.

Crikey, to think I’ve put people through that many “rants”.

Now I was hoping to be able to say that my request for co-signers for a letter about the CQC had been a great success.

It wasn’t. To have had any chance of success, I would have needed at least 200 names. I got less than 40.

I won’t lie when I say I am disappointed, but I am not overly surprised. And don’t worry, I’m not going to go off on one and tell you off for not signing up. Not a bit of it. It was simply an idea, an idea that the majority either didn’t agree, were too scared to follow through with...... or just weren’t that bothered about (I suspect mainly the latter). An idea is not truth, it is not the way........... it is just an idea. People have ideas all the time.

To my mind I find it hard to understand how people can accept things like the CQC without any semblance of resistance. We see worse examples in our society where people lie down and let others tread all over them, to allow fear and apathy to rule their lives. But that’s just me. My notions on how to live life are no more valid than anyone else’s notions. So I have no problem with the lack of response. The majority of the people in this country have accepted that over regulation, a depletion of civil liberties and a withdrawal of cash from our bank accounts is an acceptable way forward. I have no evidence before me that says my way of thinking is better than the majority. To think that would just be blatant arrogance. I'm just one mind, and I'm usually wrong.

Whatever your belief system, that’s fine, because it's your belief system. You’ll get no more arguments from me. I will refrain from reminding you of my beliefs about the potentially challenging world our children and grandchildren may soon be living in because that aspect means little to me, and my vision of the future will probably never happen. We as a a people are immensely unhappy, so who is to say the way we are heading doesn't in fact lead to some ultimate Utopia. And to be fair, how the world will be 100 years from now means little to me anyway. I have no children you see, and I am unlikely to still be around. I am, of course, inherently selfish, and whilst I care what happens to other people, I care MORE about what happens to me. I feel no shame in saying that, because it’s the truth as I see it at this moment in time.

But in all fairness this wasn’t what i wanted to talk to you today about, and I will admit that I have just been a bit side tracked. Today I’m going to be talking about another aspect of human nature, specifically those individuals that are commonly known as emotional (psychic) vampires. I am sure you know the type of people I am talking about. They will find any flaw in your grand idea, any gap in your knowledge, and any nick in your armour to cause you pain, discomfort and embarrassment. They will see the cloud in the sunny sky, the toadstool in the forest, the slime mould on the rock at the base of the waterfall. They require your misery to feel fulfilled.

Many of them hide their true nature, often using others to do their dirty work. Some of you will employ them, some of you will have their ilk in your family. They are not healthy individuals. Many of them will be borderline sociopaths.

One of the reasons I write these newsletters is to challenge you. And it constantly surprises me how nobody ever seems to unsubscribe, although that might change after today hahaha.

Psychic vampires keep themselves well hidden, and rely on your good nature and your own doubts and fears to wrok their art.

It may well just be me, and there seem to be a lot more of these people about than there used to be, as I recently discovered when I restarted my blog. Let’s just say I have severely restricted the comment section. Life is too short. As the old saying goes, “don’t feed the trolls”. And as Chris barrow says on multiple occasions “Don’t wrestle with pigs in shit”. It’s almost as if the way our society is run seems to be breeding these personality traits.

What was probably more disturbing was not the actual comments themselves, but the fact that these comments were undoubtedly dentists. Yes the comments were anonymous, but it is no coincidence that attacks started a few days after GDPUK publicised the existence of the blog (the writing style suggests one or two emotionally damaged individuals were somewhat displeased with me.....poor dears). I’m actually surprised it took this long for such comments to arrive in my inbox. I haven’t as yet received a disparaging comment from a newsletter reader.

Perhaps that is because you are all emotionally grounded. I actually found the blog comments immensely amusing, and I think if I ever published them , you would to. Best to let them be deleted though. Words after all have power.

But these people are all around us. They are the ones who sue you because they can’t accept responsibility for their own lives. They are the ones who were bullies at school, and who rise to positions of power so they can lord it over their minions. They laugh at the misfortunes of others and think that the world owes them a living. It does not. Life owes them, or anyone for that, nothing.

They are to be pitied, because most of them are dead inside. But more importantly, they are to be ignored and avoided wherever possible, because a large number of them are likely to be sociopaths (and no I am not saying the people who commented on my blog were sociopaths, I am making a generalisation).

I am sure you know how important it is to choose your peer group very carefully. Your peers will directly reflect your success in life. If you hang out with no hopers, you will be dragged down to their level. Hang out with ethical millionaires and your bank balance will likely grow.

It’s as if you become a sponge sucking up the energy around you. Good or bad, you suck it right up.

Best to hang around with decent people don’t you think. After all, there are plenty of us (did you like the implied compliment there by the way?)

Saturday 20 November 2010


I recently asked my newsletter readers (of which there are around 600) to join with me in cosigning a letter to the nations press about the CQC. I will let you know how many respond.  I know it isa long shot, but I have to try.  Even Tony Jacobs of GDPUK only got just over a hundred, and there are around 4000 dentists registered on his forum.

This is why the country is in the state it is in.  We, as a people, do not stand up for ourselves and let those we deem to be more powerful walk all over us.

If you don't stand up for yourself, nobody else will.

Nuff said

Thursday 18 November 2010


My research has uncovered this, which I think relates significantly to the proposed CQC fees

The EU report on Competition in Professional Services 2004

"State regulation which imposes or favours anti-competitive conduct or reinforces its effects, infringes Articles 3(1)(g), 10(2) and 81 EC. Where a State delegates its policy-making power to a professional association without sufficient safeguards, that is without clearly indicating the public interest objectives to respect, without retaining the last word and without control of the implementation, the Member State can also be held liable for any resulting infringement.

Ultimately, in the Commission's view, in all scrutiny of professional regulation a proportionality test should be applied. Rules must be objectively necessary to attain a clearly articulated and legitimate public interest objective and they must be the mechanism least restrictive of competition to achieve that objective. Such rules serve the interests of users and of the professionals alike."

The EU is definetly the way to go here.

PS: information only, not legal advice

Friday 12 November 2010

And Rome Burns

Hello again
Many people know about the Romans. They know that they were a great economic and military power that controlled most of Europe and the land around the Mediterranean for hundreds of years. They were successful because their disciplined approach to warfare, government and commerce. At least initially. It is when this discipline failed that the decline began. We don’t know for sure why the Roman empire fell, all we know is that it did (like all empires). There are however competing theories
  • It didn’t help that there was a gradual erosion of the currency to create inflation and thus help fuel the great machine of commerce and war that fed the empires expansion. The inflation became hyperinflation
  • The Army was corrupted by the massive influx of Germanic mercenaries who changed the core values of the most highly trained military on the planet. Ironic really considering it was the Germanic tribes who went onto ransack most of Italy
  • The moral corruption of the leaders and the populace, exemplified by the destruction of the Roman Republic and the creation of a virtual dictatorship through much of the latter Emperors.
What the bloody hells this then, a History lesson?

No. It’s an example of how we haven’t learnt from history.

We are at a point in this country, where we are close to a point of no return in the evolution of our society. If you look at agencies such as the CQC with its bizarre mutation of the English language, the place we are going looks like a Kafkaesque hybrid of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. This prospect is not something I am overly pleased about. There is still time to change the path we are on, and it is up to us to make that change, for the sake of future generations.

Or we can let our offspring grow up in a world where our Grand children will never really understand the concept of privacy and freedom, potential victims to an autocratic state machine that is soulless and without wisdom or empathy. They will be nothing but numbers, units to be milked to grease the wheels of corrupt commerce by governments and dishonorable corporations. This isn’t some great conspiracy, it’s just the way the compass needle is pointing. We need to point it another way.

My recent CRB application at the Post Office was a classic example of the madness which will soon become the norm. In I walked to join a single queue in a room the size of half a football pitch. The downtrodden, the dejected and the derelict all waited in the central queuing area with me (I’ll let you decide which of those 3 categories I was in). People mumbled to themselves incoherently, as the line made its progress through the barriers, all the time watched by a minimum wage slob who masqueraded as a security guard. How the criminals must have quacked with fear.

“Window number 8 please”

I got the application in, but only with the help of 3 Post Office staff members who were less than complimentary to the CQC. I also declined to engage in the Irony of taking my Shotgun Licence as a form of ID for a CRB check. This was a procedure dumped on the post office staff from a great height, with most of them having little or no training. And they say CQC implementation isn’t being rushed.

And all this to be able to do a job I have been doing for 15 years, even though dentistry is not even a regulated activity under the CRB regulations. Interesting times.
And then there was the recent Sheffield lecture, headed by those unfortunates at the BDA and a representative of the CQC. The CQC rep talked about fairness, and how “End Users” were entitled to learn about their treatment in a language they understood.

“How Ironic that you say that whilst holding something so incomprehensible” I shouted, pointing at the Guidance tome she held in her hand. I don’t think I’ll be getting any Christmas cards off her this year.

And even more recently, a colleague received a response letter from our CDO (to his questions about HTM 0105), the syntax and tone of which very clearly told him to shut the hell up and stop bothering those more important than him.

Do you see what I see, or am I just like the loopy old man you won’t sit next to on the bus? Our protests and complaints are cast aside because they are few and far between. We do not shout with a single loud voice, nor are we relentless in our agenda. Those who choose to implement their mindless agenda on us are dogged and ruthless. But they are also fearful. Fearful of exposure and the uncompromising voice of truth. Fearful for their jobs, fearful of the relentless finger of shame that can be pointed by the public.

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong” - Voltaire
I would rephrase that

“It is dangerous for the government to be wrong when the people are right”

Now let’s get something perfectly clear here. I’m not telling you to rise up and hang them all from lamp posts. I’m not in fact telling you to do anything. I’m just rambling inanely. Thoughts enter my head and they get transferred to this keyboard. Illegal actions are to be avoided at all costs. There are no Pitchforks and torches required here; after all it’s not Victor Frankenstein we’re dealing with here. No it’s something far worse.

It is ourselves.

It’s our own fear, our own doubt, our own inertia, and our own apathy. The problem here is our meek and feeble acceptance to things we know are wrong, that we know are damaging and that we know are criminal. We turn on our TV and hope we can forget...... but the elephant is still there with you. It’s there when you are in your surgery, when you buy your newspaper, when you pay your taxes. The elephant in the room is staring you in the face and you may well have to eventually acknowledge its presence. But that if course is up to you.

Am I just talking about CQC and HTM 0105? Of course not. And there is still great beauty, compassion and honesty in the world, like the roses in a garden. But if all you do is concentrate on the Roses, the garden will soon get overrun by weeds.

Your liberty carries a price. It requires dedication, commitment and fearlessness. Are you willing to pay that price? There is no right or wrong answer here, because the choice you make will be the right one for you.

It’s up to you. You either stand up for what you believe in, or you shut your mouth and watch what you have acquiesced to. Make your choice. Either is fine, it’s your reality you are living after all.

By the way, I am available for children’s parties......... I’ll soon have a CRB check to prove it

Yours in commerce

Stephen: Hudson the authorised representative for the legal fiction Dr Stephen Hudson BDS, MFGDP, DRDP

Please help support the Sick Dentist Scheme and the BDA Benevolent fund by buying my book at Choose Your Reality. A proportion of the profits from its sale are split equally between these two charities

PS: Please feel free to pass this newsletter onto anyone you feel may be interested in it

GDP Resources

Disclaimer: S.Hudson or SNH Publications will not be held liable for any actions taken based on the information provided in this newsletters. This information is for entertainment only.

Thursday 11 November 2010

The Reality tunnel

Let us venture briefly into the realm of Quantum Physics and the notion of the infinite consciousness.

Your brain has a filter.

Every second, your brain filters out what it deems to be irrelevant.  This is why you were not aware of the shoes on your feet until I mentioned them.  or the pressure of the glasses on your nose.  You were not aware of the the fact you were breathing or that your heart was beating.

Now add this to the fact that everybody has deep ingrained belief systems.

An example of your belief system can be created by finishing the following sentence

"Life is............."

Your belief systems filter what you see around you.  If you believe that all Muslims are terrorists (they aren't by the way), that will cloud your judgement the next time you meet a Muslim.  If you had a tyrannical Catholic upbringing that you rebelled against, that might cloud your opinion of "The Church" in general.

Your filter will also affect what you hear see and feel.

After all you do not see with your eyes, you see wit your brain.  Electrical signals are sent via the optic nerve to the brain to be deciphered. 

Many people see what they want to see.
Many people hear what they want to hear.
Many people feel what they want to feel.

Have you ever displayed anger or resentment to someone because you misunderstood what they said?  You chose that reaction based on your false perception.

This is where your reality tunnel comes in.

If you go through life expecting the worst, your mind will filter the incoming data to match your belief system. 

So finish the following saying:

"People are................"
"Money is...................."
"Life is.........................."
"The CQC is..................."

Now ask yourself how those belief systems have guided your life so far.

have they empowered you, or held you back?

I merely ask the question

Wednesday 10 November 2010

I recently had an email

I recently had an email off one of my newsletter subscribers in regards to the CQC and my last newsletter (will be posted here shortly).  She wanted to know what she could do.

Here was my response.

The first thing we have to remember is that in the great scheme of things, the CQC doesn’t matter.  They are an annoyance more than anything.  There will be plenty more annoyances along the way.  Those who see their health and mental wellbeing affected need to change their perspective.  I have always said that if a job is causing you health problems, then you either change the way you do things, or go and do something else.  Dentists killed themselves treadmilling 6 days a week, and now dentists are pulling their hair out because of a bunch of incompetent bureaucrats.

THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT, and the staff of the CQC are just as much victims as we are.  They didn't ask for this, they had it dumped on them from a great height.  They are unprepared through no real fault of their own.  Perhaps the CQC have been created to produce this very reaction in the profession.  The corporates are laughing their socks off. 

Learning to laugh at your troubles is the first part of dealing with them.  The idea behind the CQC is so patheticas to be a fine display of what it now means to be British.  Be thankful we are not in America....... recent reports show that 46% of GP’s will be leaving medicine due to Obama care.

The second thing we need to remember is that organisations such as this do not like bright lights shone on them.  The more dentists who plague them with questions, demands and ideas, the more dentists write to MP’s and newspapers, the more the CQC will drift into the focus of the public.  The more the public see what an irrelevant waste of resources the CQC are, the more their position becomes untenable......... especially with their head up before the select committee.

Talk to the dentist you know.  Form an action committee.  Decide on a plan of action on what you intend to do.  Write to the head of the CQC by recorded post.  Ask questions, demand answers.  Do not let them fob you off.  The more who write, the more they have to listen.  Write to the BDA and the GDC, demand they take action.  Write your MP, let him/her know that it is his/her family that will be affected by this farce, just as said family will be damaged by HTM 0105.  Pool your resources. 

And remember the words of Winston Churchill

Never, ever, ever, ever give up

Saturday 6 November 2010


Everything seems pretty dark at the moment what with the CQC, HRM 0105 and austerity cuts.

But you have to look at the big picture.

Most of us have a roof over our heads
Most of us can afford to eat and heat our homes
Most of us have access to clean water
Most of us have friends and family we can turn to
Most of us aren't at deaths door
Most of us have a mind that allows us to think
Most of us have access to technology the likes of which people even 15 years ago couldn't have imagined
Most of us can walk down the street safely
Most of us aren't stuck in Iraq breathing in Depleted uranium
Most of us aren't three pay slips away from homelessness

See the good in your life, see the strength, to help you deal with the mosquitos that are presently bothering you.

Thursday 4 November 2010

From Hansard

(NB: The venue is the House of Lords, at 10:42pm on November 1st, 2010.)

Lord James of Blackheath: At this point, I am going to have to make a very big apology to my noble friend Lord Sassoon [Treasury Minister], because I am about to raise a subject that I should not raise and which is going to be one which I think is now time to put on a higher awareness, and to explain to the House as a whole, as I do not think your Lordships have any knowledge of it. I am sorry that my noble friend Lord Strathclyde [Leader of the House] is not with us at the moment, because this deeply concerns him also.

For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country. For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment. Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by an eminent City firm, which is FSA controlled. Its chairman came to me and said, "We have this extraordinary request to assist in a major financial reconstruction. It is megabucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate". I had the biggest put-down of my life from my noble friend Lord Strathclyde when I told him this story. He said, "Why you? You're not important enough to have the answer to a question like that". He is quite right, I am not important enough, but the answer to the next question was, "You haven't got the experience for it". Yes I do. I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.

Baroness Hollis of Heigham [Labour]: Where did it go to?

Lord James of Blackheath
: Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue. I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems.

The point is that when I was in the course of doing this strange activity, I had an interesting set of phone numbers and references that I could go to for help when I needed it. So people in the City have known that if they want to check out anything that looks at all odd, they can come to me and I can press a few phone numbers to obtain a reference. The City firm came to me and asked whether I could get a reference and a clearance on foundation X. For 20 weeks, I have been endeavouring to do that. I have come to the absolute conclusion that foundation X is completely genuine and sincere and that it directly wishes to make the United Kingdom one of the principal points that it will use to disseminate its extraordinarily great wealth into the world at this present moment, as part of an attempt to seek the recovery of the global economy.

I made the phone call to my noble friend Lord Strathclyde on a Sunday afternoon—I think he was sitting on his lawn, poor man—and he did the quickest ball pass that I have ever witnessed. If England can do anything like it at Twickenham on Saturday, we will have a chance against the All Blacks. The next think I knew, I had my noble friend Lord Sassoon on the phone. From the outset, he took the proper defensive attitude of total scepticism, and said, "This cannot possibly be right". During the following weeks, my noble friend said, "Go and talk to the Bank of England". So I phoned the governor and asked whether he could check this out for me. After about three days, he came back and said, "You can get lost. I'm not touching this with a bargepole; it is far too difficult. Take it back to the Treasury". So I did. Within another day, my noble friend Lord Sassoon had come back and said, "This is rubbish. It can't possibly be right". I said, "I am going to work more on it". Then I brought one of the senior executives from foundation X to meet my noble friend Lord Strathclyde. I have to say that, as first dates go, it was not a great success. Neither of them ended up by inviting the other out for a coffee or drink at the end of the evening, and they did not exchange telephone numbers in order to follow up the meeting.

I found myself between a rock and a hard place that were totally paranoid about each other, because the foundation X people have an amazing obsession with their own security. They expect to be contacted only by someone equal to head of state status or someone with an international security rating equal to the top six people in the world. This is a strange situation. My noble friends Lord Sassoon and Lord Strathclyde both came up with what should have been an absolute killer argument as to why this could not be true and that we should forget it. My noble friend Lord Sassoon's argument was that these people claimed to have evidence that last year they had lodged £5 billion with British banks. They gave transfer dates and the details of these transfers. As my noble friend Lord Sassoon, said, if that were true it would stick out like a sore thumb. You could not have £5 billion popping out of a bank account without it disrupting the balance sheet completely. But I remember that at about the same time as those transfers were being made the noble Lord, Lord Myners [former Labour Treasury Minister], was indulging in his game of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic of the British banking community. If he had three banks at that time, which had had, say, a deficiency of £1.5 million each, then you would pretty well have absorbed the entire £5 billion, and you would not have had the sore thumb stick out at that time; you would have taken £1.5 billion into each of three banks and you would have absorbed the lot. That would be a logical explanation—I do not know.

My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came up with a very different argument. He said that this cannot be right because these people said at the meeting with him that they were still effectively on the gold standard from back in the 1920s and that their entire currency holdings throughout the world, which were very large, were backed by bullion. My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came back and said to me that he had an analyst working on it and that this had to be stuff and nonsense. He said that they had come up with a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their currency reserves, as claimed, which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world. I am sorry but my noble friend Lord Strathclyde is wrong; his analysts are wrong. He had tapped into the sources that are available and there is only one definitive source for the amount of bullion that has ever been taken from the earth's crust. That was a National Geographic magazine article 12 years ago. Whatever figure it was that was quoted was then quoted again on six other sites on the internet—on Google. Everyone is quoting one original source; there is no other confirming authority. But if you tap into the Vatican accounts—of the Vatican bank--— come up with a claim of total bullion—

Lord De Mauley [Government Whip]: The noble Lord is into his fifteenth minute. I wonder whether he can draw his remarks to a conclusion.

Lord James of Blackheath: The total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world. My point on all of this is that we have not proven any of this. Foundation X is saying at this moment that it is prepared to put up the entire £5 billion for the funding of the three Is recreation; the British Government can have the entire independent management and control of it—foundation X does not want anything to do with it; there will be no interest charged; and, by the way, if the British Government would like it as well, if it will help, the foundation will be prepared to put up money for funding hospitals, schools, the building of Crossrail immediately with £17 billion transfer by Christmas, if requested, and all these other things. These things can be done, if wished, but a senior member of the Government has to accept the invitation to a phone call to the chairman of foundation X—and then we can get into business. This is too big an issue. I am just an ageing, obsessive old Peer and I am easily dispensable, but getting to the truth is not. We need to know what really is happening here. We must find out the truth of this situation

Sounds to me like someone is looking to buy the UK.
I am lost for words