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Friday, 12 November 2010

And Rome Burns

Hello again
Many people know about the Romans. They know that they were a great economic and military power that controlled most of Europe and the land around the Mediterranean for hundreds of years. They were successful because their disciplined approach to warfare, government and commerce. At least initially. It is when this discipline failed that the decline began. We don’t know for sure why the Roman empire fell, all we know is that it did (like all empires). There are however competing theories
  • It didn’t help that there was a gradual erosion of the currency to create inflation and thus help fuel the great machine of commerce and war that fed the empires expansion. The inflation became hyperinflation
  • The Army was corrupted by the massive influx of Germanic mercenaries who changed the core values of the most highly trained military on the planet. Ironic really considering it was the Germanic tribes who went onto ransack most of Italy
  • The moral corruption of the leaders and the populace, exemplified by the destruction of the Roman Republic and the creation of a virtual dictatorship through much of the latter Emperors.
What the bloody hells this then, a History lesson?

No. It’s an example of how we haven’t learnt from history.

We are at a point in this country, where we are close to a point of no return in the evolution of our society. If you look at agencies such as the CQC with its bizarre mutation of the English language, the place we are going looks like a Kafkaesque hybrid of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. This prospect is not something I am overly pleased about. There is still time to change the path we are on, and it is up to us to make that change, for the sake of future generations.

Or we can let our offspring grow up in a world where our Grand children will never really understand the concept of privacy and freedom, potential victims to an autocratic state machine that is soulless and without wisdom or empathy. They will be nothing but numbers, units to be milked to grease the wheels of corrupt commerce by governments and dishonorable corporations. This isn’t some great conspiracy, it’s just the way the compass needle is pointing. We need to point it another way.

My recent CRB application at the Post Office was a classic example of the madness which will soon become the norm. In I walked to join a single queue in a room the size of half a football pitch. The downtrodden, the dejected and the derelict all waited in the central queuing area with me (I’ll let you decide which of those 3 categories I was in). People mumbled to themselves incoherently, as the line made its progress through the barriers, all the time watched by a minimum wage slob who masqueraded as a security guard. How the criminals must have quacked with fear.

“Window number 8 please”

I got the application in, but only with the help of 3 Post Office staff members who were less than complimentary to the CQC. I also declined to engage in the Irony of taking my Shotgun Licence as a form of ID for a CRB check. This was a procedure dumped on the post office staff from a great height, with most of them having little or no training. And they say CQC implementation isn’t being rushed.

And all this to be able to do a job I have been doing for 15 years, even though dentistry is not even a regulated activity under the CRB regulations. Interesting times.
And then there was the recent Sheffield lecture, headed by those unfortunates at the BDA and a representative of the CQC. The CQC rep talked about fairness, and how “End Users” were entitled to learn about their treatment in a language they understood.

“How Ironic that you say that whilst holding something so incomprehensible” I shouted, pointing at the Guidance tome she held in her hand. I don’t think I’ll be getting any Christmas cards off her this year.

And even more recently, a colleague received a response letter from our CDO (to his questions about HTM 0105), the syntax and tone of which very clearly told him to shut the hell up and stop bothering those more important than him.

Do you see what I see, or am I just like the loopy old man you won’t sit next to on the bus? Our protests and complaints are cast aside because they are few and far between. We do not shout with a single loud voice, nor are we relentless in our agenda. Those who choose to implement their mindless agenda on us are dogged and ruthless. But they are also fearful. Fearful of exposure and the uncompromising voice of truth. Fearful for their jobs, fearful of the relentless finger of shame that can be pointed by the public.

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong” - Voltaire
I would rephrase that

“It is dangerous for the government to be wrong when the people are right”

Now let’s get something perfectly clear here. I’m not telling you to rise up and hang them all from lamp posts. I’m not in fact telling you to do anything. I’m just rambling inanely. Thoughts enter my head and they get transferred to this keyboard. Illegal actions are to be avoided at all costs. There are no Pitchforks and torches required here; after all it’s not Victor Frankenstein we’re dealing with here. No it’s something far worse.

It is ourselves.

It’s our own fear, our own doubt, our own inertia, and our own apathy. The problem here is our meek and feeble acceptance to things we know are wrong, that we know are damaging and that we know are criminal. We turn on our TV and hope we can forget...... but the elephant is still there with you. It’s there when you are in your surgery, when you buy your newspaper, when you pay your taxes. The elephant in the room is staring you in the face and you may well have to eventually acknowledge its presence. But that if course is up to you.

Am I just talking about CQC and HTM 0105? Of course not. And there is still great beauty, compassion and honesty in the world, like the roses in a garden. But if all you do is concentrate on the Roses, the garden will soon get overrun by weeds.

Your liberty carries a price. It requires dedication, commitment and fearlessness. Are you willing to pay that price? There is no right or wrong answer here, because the choice you make will be the right one for you.

It’s up to you. You either stand up for what you believe in, or you shut your mouth and watch what you have acquiesced to. Make your choice. Either is fine, it’s your reality you are living after all.

By the way, I am available for children’s parties......... I’ll soon have a CRB check to prove it

Yours in commerce

Stephen: Hudson the authorised representative for the legal fiction Dr Stephen Hudson BDS, MFGDP, DRDP

Please help support the Sick Dentist Scheme and the BDA Benevolent fund by buying my book at Choose Your Reality. A proportion of the profits from its sale are split equally between these two charities

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