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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

I recently had an email

I recently had an email off one of my newsletter subscribers in regards to the CQC and my last newsletter (will be posted here shortly).  She wanted to know what she could do.

Here was my response.

The first thing we have to remember is that in the great scheme of things, the CQC doesn’t matter.  They are an annoyance more than anything.  There will be plenty more annoyances along the way.  Those who see their health and mental wellbeing affected need to change their perspective.  I have always said that if a job is causing you health problems, then you either change the way you do things, or go and do something else.  Dentists killed themselves treadmilling 6 days a week, and now dentists are pulling their hair out because of a bunch of incompetent bureaucrats.

THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT, and the staff of the CQC are just as much victims as we are.  They didn't ask for this, they had it dumped on them from a great height.  They are unprepared through no real fault of their own.  Perhaps the CQC have been created to produce this very reaction in the profession.  The corporates are laughing their socks off. 

Learning to laugh at your troubles is the first part of dealing with them.  The idea behind the CQC is so patheticas to be a fine display of what it now means to be British.  Be thankful we are not in America....... recent reports show that 46% of GP’s will be leaving medicine due to Obama care.

The second thing we need to remember is that organisations such as this do not like bright lights shone on them.  The more dentists who plague them with questions, demands and ideas, the more dentists write to MP’s and newspapers, the more the CQC will drift into the focus of the public.  The more the public see what an irrelevant waste of resources the CQC are, the more their position becomes untenable......... especially with their head up before the select committee.

Talk to the dentist you know.  Form an action committee.  Decide on a plan of action on what you intend to do.  Write to the head of the CQC by recorded post.  Ask questions, demand answers.  Do not let them fob you off.  The more who write, the more they have to listen.  Write to the BDA and the GDC, demand they take action.  Write your MP, let him/her know that it is his/her family that will be affected by this farce, just as said family will be damaged by HTM 0105.  Pool your resources. 

And remember the words of Winston Churchill

Never, ever, ever, ever give up

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