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Monday, 25 October 2010

The Prussian School

Hello again

In the days of the Prussian Empire, schooling was mandatory. Every child went through the system which attempted to instil obedience through indoctrination. The schools of the country were separated into 2 different categories, partially based on the principles of Plato’s “The Republic”.
  • The schools of the elite
  • The schools of the middle class and the under classes
  • The Elite schools taught the children attending to be leaders. They would all generally go on to be high ranking military officers, politicians or Captains of industry.
The other schools taught the children that would go on to be civil servants, doctors, lower ranking military and the working population. Passing the high-school graduation examinations was a pre-requisite to entering the learned professions and the civil service, and generally the schools for the middle classes were separate and more exclusive than those for the lower classes.
The result was a highly trained and highly demarcated population resulting in a strong and effective military. It also resulted in a system that trained the majority of the young to be worker drones.
We used to have a similar system.
  • Boarding schools and private schools for the rich
  • Grammar schools for the brightest of the middle and lower classes
  • Comprehensives for everyone else
If you looked at the differences in teaching methods, one of the primary things that stands out is the elite schools taught their students the art of debate and public speaking. The ability to coherently and effectively put forward a point of view, even against opposition, is a powerful tool that generally only the children of the elite were and are taught. (By the way, when I say elite it is merely a word. I don’t think there is anything elite about these people...... quite the opposite actually)
There was of course a reason for this. Only those people with such skills really had any chance of making it into governmental leadership rolls, thus ensuring that the “elite” maintained control of the making of policy.
Nowadays it’s a little different. Anyone can learn these skills, but few do. Despite the lack of such activities in most schools, groups like Toastmasters allow anyone to become competent at public speaking. And many people take it upon themselves to learn these skills resulting in the ability of people from working class backgrounds to make it to the top of society. Where once there were gentleman’s clubs filled with rich and powerful Caucasian males, now the ranks of the rich and powerful are filled with every sex, race, creed and background.
It would seem that the idea of the Prussian schooling system is no longer prevalent in our society. I would disagree.  And I would argue that, whilst success has become more attainable to the majority, the actual education being received by the majority of our children has been gutted. The present schooling system is a diseased shadow of its former self.
The old system prepared people for a lifetime of work, depending on their “status” in society. The present system doesn’t prepare anyone for anything. We now have a core of young and disenfranchised who just do not want to work, do not want to take responsibility, and whose self worth is non existence. There are hundreds of thousands of them who would rather sit at home drawing benefits than go out and make a living. This is partly because the schools for the majority have failed. And of course it ignores the fact that there are plenty young men and women out there who are industrious honest and morally grounded......... you just don’t hear about them in our misery driven media. But the core is growing, and it is spreading into other generations too as the Social Contract disintegrates.
50 years ago the major complaints by teachers regarding their pupils were “Chewing gum”, “running in the corridors” and “talking in class”. Now its “Assault”, “Rape” and “drugs” due to our schools being unable to sanction bad behaviour. I personally don’t think its because the young are any worse, they just don’t have the strict boundaries that were imposed on us. So they are seen to run amok, and are now seen to rebel against the figures of authority that at one time were a target off limits to them.
So what’s caused this? Well if you look at society on the whole, the morality of our culture has improved in some areas, whilst declining in others. Racism is now not acceptable, which is a good thing resulting in a more equal society. But conversely our society is all about material wealth, greed and instant gratification, and is slowly being ground under the oppressive boot of conformity and suppression. If it continues, the next generation will be living in a police state............ and they will be so dumbed down they won’t even notice or care. That’s if our present path continues...... and I don’t think it will. I think change is around the corner.
The youth of today are considered to be the most drunk, immoral, violent and apathetic the world has ever seen. But go back through history, and you will hear similar things said about previous generations. I think you will find they surprise you over the next 10 years.
So, I get to the cause at last. Is it a secret cabal of evil men, in dark rooms? Is it the Bilderbergers or the stifling regulations of the growing EU Super State? Nope. They are not the cause, merely a symptom.
It’s because of cycles. And I’m not talking about those things that let you travel from A-B, I’m talking generational cycles. Time and again, we see a four generation cycle happening, usually with the same generations making the same mistakes. I would encourage you to visit the following website which explains the theory better than I can. Basically, every cycle has 4 stages, each stage dominated by 1 of 4 generational archetypes. The cycle goes from growth to destruction, as an example the fourth part of the last cycle was the 2nd world war and the Great Depression.
According to this theory (and really that’s all it is until proven) we are now in the fourth stage (the fourth turning) of our cycle. Whilst this means we have some very challenging times ahead, the next cycle to follow promises untold opportunity. Look at how the world grew in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Over the next few years when the economy is in the toilet and the world seems to be collapsing around our ears, remember that winter always turns into spring eventually. Summer is coming, you just have to wrap up warm and make it through the winter first. Hell, we’ll even get chance to have some fun on the way.
”Whatever happens, happens....... and cannot happen any other way” - Morpheus
Stephen Hudson BDS, MFGDP, DRDP
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